Hi there, thank you for being here! We are very excited to dive right into the Symphony of the Cells™ online training. This course is meant to help you understand the basics of SOC™, how to start using the applications and to share a little background on how and why Boyd Truman created this spinal application technique.
Please keep in mind that this online training does not replace the in-person Level 1 SOC™ official trainings held worldwide each year. We highly encourage you to join us to fully understand and implement Symphony of the Cells™. However, we are limited on where we can host trainings and how many we can accommodate each year. We are offering this online option to accommodate those who have not yet had the opportunity to join us in person.
This is also a great option for those who are new to Symphony of the Cells™ and/or essential oils and are looking to gain a better understanding.
We kindly ask and require that the following content will only be viewed by you, the registrant. This will allow us to keep in accordance with compliance laws, you in accordance with copyright laws, and will allow us to keep providing education in the future.
If you have questions, please send us an email at [email protected]
Let's learn!!